Privacy Policy

Last Updated: June 2019
Your privacy is a priority at Azimuth Research. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes our approach to the collection, processing, storage, and use of the information that we collect from you. We understand that you have entrusted us with private information and we do everything that we can to maintain that trust.

This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect through this website, as well as through email or other electronic messages relayed through this website.

Access to the Websites
We provide Visitors and Registered Users with access to the Website as described below.

  • Visitors: Visitors are individuals who do not create a login and can only access publicly-available features and functionalities of the Website.
  • Registered Users: Registered Users are individuals who create a login and can access public as well as password-protected areas of the Website.

Collection of Information
We may collect information as described below (collectively, the “Information”).

  • For Visitors: As a Visitor, if you consent to our Cookies policy, we may collect information that identifies your computer automatically through the use of cookies.
  • For Registered Users: As a Registered User, we may collect your name, email address, postal address, phone number, and, in limited circumstances, your tax identification number. Additionally, we may collect analytic information relating to your use of the Websites, including, but not limited to, the areas of the Websites you view, the number of times you visit specific areas of the Websites, the amount of time you spend on specific areas of the Websites, your visit dates, your exits to partner sites, your geolocation information, etc. If you consent to our Cookies policy, we may also collect information that identifies your computer automatically through the use of cookies.

Use of Information
The Information that we collect is used by us for client relations, marketing, and analytics purposes.

Sharing of Personal Information
Azimuth Research does not sell any of your personal information. Azimuth Research may share your Information with non-affiliated third parties in the following limited circumstances:

  1. We disclose your Information to companies that assist us in the servicing of your account.
  2. We may enter into "joint marketing relationships" with third-party financial institutions. If we enter into such relationships, we will ensure that such third-parties are contractually required to protect the confidentiality of any Information provided.
  3. We may share aggregated, non-personal data with our affiliates, agents, business and promotional partners, and other third parties. We may also disclose aggregate statistics in order to describe the Website to current and prospective business partners and other third parties.
  4. We may disclose or report your Information to the extent we reasonably believe that the law requires disclosure or reporting. For example, disclosure of your Information may be required to cooperate with regulators or law enforcement authorities for institutional risk controls or authentication checks.

Security and Protection of Your Information
We take commercially reasonable steps to protect your Information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access or disclosure. Such commercially reasonable steps include physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards. For example, we make extensive use of firewall barriers, encryption techniques and authentication procedures. Additionally, we use best efforts to:

  1. Ensure that any third parties with which we share your Information maintain strict confidentiality procedures and data privacy frameworks, and only use your Information as expressly authorized by us;
  2. Restrict access to Information to only those employees and agents required for legitimate business purposes; and
  3. Contractually require our employees to maintain the confidentiality of Information we collect.

The Information we collect is maintained in secure locations, and it is periodically reviewed by the compliance function within Azimuth Research to monitor access and use of the Information.
Despite the steps we take to protect your Information, please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of our databases or the databases of the third parties with which we may share your Information.

Your Rights
We make every effort to keep your Information accurate and up-to-date. Please contact us if you:

  • Identify any inaccuracy in your Information;
  • Wish to make a change to your Information;
  • Wish to make a request for access to your Information; or
  • Wish to request that we delete your Information.

Azimuth Research will respond to such requests within the timeframes required under applicable laws.

Data Breaches
In the event of a data breach, Azimuth Research will take any and all reasonable steps necessary, which may include technical measures to limit further breaches and informing affected parties and authorities.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. By continuing to access and/or use the Website, you are deemed to have accepted any such changes.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at